From incumbents to big techs, many have declared remote work will remain the norm for an indefinite period. A few have gone further stating the end of office centricity:
“As of today, Shopify is a digital by default company. We will keep offices closed until 2021 so that we can rework them for this new reality. And after that, most will permanently work remotely. Office centricity is over.” – Tobi Lutke, Shopify CEO on May 21, 2020
While the world gets excited with the new possibilities of remote work and there is much fanfare on new collaborative products being created, a more structural set of challenges arise from recruiting, onboarding, training, and compensating employees on a global basis.
An early believer in a fully and globally distributed workforce, Job van der Voort left Gitlab – the world’s largest all-remote company – as its VP of Product to start Remote in January 2019. Job’s vision is to build a shortcut free worldwide infrastructure to allow companies to hire globally, with no hassle.
For that, Remote is establishing a reliable compliance and payroll engine with localized entities in each country it operates. By owning the regulatory and technology stack, Remote’s self-serving platform enables lower costs and less friction to employ the best people anywhere.
Remote’s success shall create a world with lower geographical constrains, organizations with better talent, and people with more freedom. We are thrilled to partner with Remote in such an early stage of the remote work reality.